Sekioka Mokuhanga Kobo was established by Sentaro Sekioka in Kojimacho, Asakusa, Tokyo. Sentaro was the fourth generation of the Matsumura Group—a lineage of woodblock printers which was formulated by Senkichi Matsumura in Kokucho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo —and the first person who took the name “Senrei.” The second “Senrei” Isao Sekioka moved the workshop to Nippori where their current office is located.
Since then, they have mainly produced senjafuda (votive slips that worshippers hang at shrines and temples). They have also designed and created a variety of additional products.
While maintaining traditional techniques, such as reproducing ukiyo-e pictures, they continue to create new types of products and organize workshops to promote the beauty of woodblock printing.
Nobuto Ogawa’s biography
Nobuto became a businessman after graduating from his university, but he decided to take over his family business after working for another company for two years. He studied under Hidekatsu Kawashima who was studying under Nobuto’s grandfather.
Having completed his studies, Nobuto is now the director of Sekioka Mokuhanga Kobo.
He strives each day to revitalize woodblock printing and other traditional Japanese crafts.